May marks the beginning of the summer months. The sun shines bright, beach vacations are being booked, and kids close out yet another year of school; May has become one of the most exciting and motivating months of the year. It is also dermatologists' favorite time of year.
May is skin cancer awareness month. Skin cancer is America's most common cancer but it is one of the most preventable cancers. We have the power to protect our skin and lower our risk with the squirt and rub of a bottle of lotion. This month we are diving deep into the dangers of skin cancer, what to look out for, and how to help prevent your risk of developing skin cancer so that you may continue to enjoy your life.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer among Americans, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Skin cancer affects all skin tones, it does not discriminate.
The main cause of skin cancer is overexposure to ultraviolet rays. These rays come from the sun and tanning beds. UV overexposure damages the skin, causing genetic material to grow into cancer.
Limiting your time in the sun and limiting tanning beds are the first steps to reducing your risk of skin cancer, but there are other ways too.
Skin cancer may be one of the most common cancers in America, but it is one of the most preventable cancers. When it comes to cancer, if prevention is possible, by all means, do everything you can!
- SPF - Wear it, Re-apply it - ALL DAY EVERY DAY: Apply a broad spectrum SPF 15 or higher daily to protect your skin and effectively lower your risk of skin cancer
UV Forecast - Know it, understand it, and check it daily: A UV index of 3 or higher can cause damage to the skin. Peak times for UV rays are between 10 am & 4 pm. Understanding that UV ranges fluctuate by season is key to keeping your skin protected. In May the average daily UV index IN FLORIDA is 7! A UV index of 7 is considered HIGH. What does this mean for you? It means that you need to apply an SPF 15 or higher daily and you need to re-apply regularly.
- Re-Apply SPF: Applying your SPF 15-20 minutes before sun exposure is only the first step to keeping your skin protected. Re-application is as important, if not more important than the original application. The average sunscreen recommends re-application every 60-90 minutes. During the summer months, when the UV index is at its highest, re-application is needed more frequently, our recommendation would be about every 45 minutes. Remember, the sunscreen formula does not change, the UV index does. This is a very misunderstood factor when it comes to sunscreen application and re-application. Another common misconception in the sunscreen industry is the fact that when you are in and out of the water, and towel drying, you are reducing your SPFs effectiveness. When you are making trips in and out of the water, be sure to reapply your water-resistant sunscreen habitually. Water resistant does not mean waterproof. Over trips in and out of the water, your sunscreen will reduce its effectiveness. Likewise, when you are drying off with a towel, you are essentially rubbing off your sunscreen. The moral of sunscreen re-application, make it a habit anytime you go in and out of the water, and re-apply after towel drying. :)
BENEFITS OF USING CARIBBEAN SOL DAIL- Caribbean Sol products are formulated andd created for your skin safety. Our products are formulated using natural ingredients, not chemical or synthetic ingredients. There are many benefits to using our products daily, like:
- Reduces your risk of skin cancer - Our mineral sunscreens effectively provide protection from all UV rays, reducing your risk of skin cancer
- Broad Spectrum UV protection - Zinc Oxide is the only known mineral to safely shield your skin from both UVA & UVB rays, making it a broad-spectrum protector
- Naturally Age Fighting - Due to the nature of our ingredients and their natural skin benefits, our products are known to naturally fight your skin from prematurely aging
- Sunburn Prevention & Protection - Using our sunscreens as directed, with re-application regularly, your skin is shielded while in the sun, preventing sunburn
- Natural Skin Hydration - Dry skin tends to burn and damage easier than hydrated skin, we use organic aloe in all of our products to pump your skin with hydration, thus prepping it for UV exposure
Being outdoors soaking up the sun is one of life's greatest adventures. Unfortunately, it comes with a stigma that too much of it can lead to health problems, such as skin cancer.
We believe that fun and the sun do go hand in hand, and fear should not get in your way. That is why we use natural ingredients in our products to shield your skin safely while reducing your risk of skin cancer.
Recent studies have proven that chemicals & synthetic ingredients found in sunscreen can cause major disturbances to our hormonal systems and can even enhance skin irritations. They are also causing death in our marine environment. Not only do these chemicals penetrate through pores and into our bloodstreams, but these chemicals are also causing major disruption to our Planet.