Our Story
Caribbean Sol Canada is a chemical-free, biodegradable, marine & people safe line of natural sunscreen, sun and skin care products. Our mission is to provide Canadians all natural sun & skin care products that are safe for the environment, non-toxic, and biodegradable, while still providing protection and quality you can rely on!
Kelly has cosmetic skincare, retail operations, as well as a marketing and sales background. Having a passion for organic clean sun and skincare, a love of travel, outdoor sports, mainly water sports, combined with a vast knowledge of how and whys to natural ingredients, this is the perfect product line that aligns with every passion she has! Having worked with Caribbean Sol International for several years, with a wealth of knowledge on the product line and operations of the business, bringing this product to Canada was always a desire and we are excited it's now available in the Canadian marketplace.
In 2010, Caribbean Sol International introduced a chemical-free, biodegradable, marine & people safe line of sunscreen and sun care products. This was after one and a half years working with a certified micro-biologist to formulate the natural ingredients and be compatible in lotion form. The inspiration for developing this Natural Formula came from Commercial Boat Operators in the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Mexico. They told us "The sunscreen people are using is killing the fish and the Sea-Life here!" They showed us, firsthand, how the sun screen came off the bodies of the tourists and created "slime-type" slicks in the water. Turns out, after years of research, it was proven the popular, chemical-based sunscreens did not blend with the waters, and actually killed the food sources of the sea life!
As more marine-life driven islands and destinations incorporate legislation against chemical sunscreens. Caribbean Sol's experience, education, awareness, and our formula's non-toxic reputation in the industry has helped protect and preserve. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) continues to give our sunscreens one of their highest/cleanest ratings.
Our brands are known for their safe, effective, and non-toxic formulas. And our promise to continue to educate the public on the difference and reasoning behind our products and new legislation will continue to set us apart from others in the industry.